20:03:25 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : Hi! 20:03:39 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : I was wondering if the ASVPM had a youtube channel maybe? 20:03:45 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : thank you! 20:07:05 From ASVPM Product Owners to Maru Waan(Direct Message) : Hi Maru, we only have 1 video currently, we have not yet developed our YouT https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVU7oz-1S75y80iAm6L16GAube channel and this is our web: https://svprojectmanagement.com/ 20:07:30 From ASVPM Product Owners : WEb to SVPM: https://svprojectmanagement.com/ 20:08:09 From Nicholas Cupples : https://successengineering.works/ 20:08:23 From Steve Tendon : Hello world! :) 20:08:47 From ASVPM Product Owners : thank you Steve for joining us! thanks everyone 20:08:49 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : thank you! At least that will provide me a uri to share with others when I mention this talk to them, no matter when the video will be uploaded :-) 20:09:00 From Patrick Taiwo : Hi Steve. 20:09:07 From ASVPM Product Owners to Maru Waan(Direct Message) : thank you 20:19:43 From Don Miller : Al - Did the teams have visibility into each other's backlogs to see where the MBI work was happening or was it only discovered at integration? 20:20:38 From ASVPM Product Owners to Don Miller(Direct Message) : Please bring this question during the QA, you can verbally ask him! thanks a lot 20:20:58 From Don Miller to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : Sure. 20:22:39 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : I confirm to you, my colleagues MUST watch this recording! :-) 20:23:40 From ASVPM Product Owners to Maru Waan(Direct Message) : Wonderful! :) 20:25:04 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : the link to the channel you gave me does not work Ithink: 20:25:10 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVU7oz-1S75y80iAm6L16GAube 20:25:14 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : does it work for you? 20:26:19 From ASVPM Product Owners to Maru Waan(Direct Message) : Does this works --> https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVU7oz-1S75y80iAm6L16GA 20:26:22 From ASVPM Product Owners to Maru Waan(Direct Message) : ? 20:29:11 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : yes! 20:29:14 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : thank u :-) 20:29:26 From ASVPM Product Owners to Maru Waan(Direct Message) : oh great, sorry my first link was not working! 20:30:40 From ASVPM Product Owners to Rohini(Direct Message) : sorry I muted you twice, apoogies! it's mee 20:31:21 From Rohini : How do you create an environment that allows individuals to get out of their comfort zone so they feel comfortable to voice their ideas? 20:31:26 From Renuka * : Al - What about the scrum of scrum meets & PO Syncs? were they not bringing up the dependencies for the MBI to have a shared vision of the priorities? 20:32:13 From Rohini to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : No problem! 20:32:19 From Rohini to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : :) 20:34:35 From Nicholas Cupples : It seemed that the 3 teams were very siloed. Were they cross-functional within each of the 3 teams? 20:39:51 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : I would love to leave you my email address, please, to get the slide deck from Al, (he went super fast ): elkharbili.marwane@gmail.com 20:39:53 From Maru Waan to ASVPM Product Owners(Direct Message) : thank you! 20:41:36 From ASVPM Product Owners to Maru Waan(Direct Message) : I will do 20:44:47 From David Bakhtnia : Check out "Tom Glib: https://www.gilb.com/competitive-engineering 20:46:49 From Soumya Rajan : Hi all, hate to go in the middle of such an interesting conversation. But have to go. Will listen to the recording for the remaining part of the meeting. 20:47:14 From ASVPM Product Owners : Thank you Soumya we will share the recording and the slides 20:48:57 From Deana Hsu : ?? Is there some consistent behavior with teams that cause issues outside of the frameworks? 20:50:47 From Deana Hsu : For example: Amy Edmondson's concept of TEAMING is able to get people that don't know each other to work very successfully together in short period of time. 20:53:07 From Rohini : How do you motivate the teams to meet their goals? 20:53:21 From Maru Waan : Question (long one): What is your take on using custom-created modeling notations (or better, languages) by the teams to model their systems (not just flow, also constraints, rules, measurements, etc.) for the sake of achieving that collaboration you have shown today? 20:53:53 From Nicholas Cupples : Could you inform more on your suggestion to shift to "intelligently incomplete"? 20:55:54 From Maru Waan : not for modeling the foundational stuff 20:55:59 From Maru Waan : as a domain-modeling language 20:56:27 From Maru Waan : I guess the need for those is in no need for explanation 20:57:13 From Steve Tendon : Of course!!!! 20:57:24 From David : invisible work kills you. all work needs to be visible 20:57:29 From Jagriti : Could you share more on creation of Alignment 20:57:54 From David Bakhtnia : How do you think that Agile as "mindset" can help our organizations/communities to manage the complexities of current chaotic management? 20:59:01 From David Bakhtnia : I mean the whole frameworks, and hybrid of them, and theoretical or modeling approaches. 21:01:37 From Steve Tendon : TameFlow is also based on Patterns and Pattern Languages... 21:01:43 From Steve Tendon : TOC came in much later. 21:02:17 From Don Miller : Thanks, Al! 21:03:13 From Apala Chandola (she/her) : https://successengineering.works/ 21:03:59 From Thiru Kuppusamy [C] : Very nice talk. Lot to think and wonderful details. 21:04:10 From Renuka * : Thank you Al- An insightful session, as always! 21:04:38 From Aaron Joseph : Great talk! Lots to think about. Thank you! 21:05:19 From Steve Tendon : TameFlow and TOC discussions can be held here: http://circle.tameflow.com/ 21:05:32 From helder : Thanks Al for the talk. Bye every1 21:05:39 From David Bakhtnia : Thank you Al, and everyone for joining us today. Please let us know how better ASVPM Meetup can help our community to share various insights. 21:05:49 From Patrick Taiwo : Thanks Al. 21:05:49 From Jagriti : Thanks you 🙂 21:06:14 From ASVPM Product Owners : thank you so much Al! 21:06:41 From Apala Chandola (she/her) : Thank you Al! Great insightful presentation! 21:06:46 From Nicholas Cupples : https://svprojectmanagement.com/ 21:06:56 From Apala Chandola (she/her) : Everyone - Pls check out SVPM: https://svprojectmanagement.com/ 21:07:07 From Nicholas Cupples : https://www.meetup.com/agile-and-scaled-value-project-management-asvpm/ 21:07:32 From Steve Tendon : Thank you!