20:05:35 From Apala Chandola(ASVPM) to Sara Tripiana ASVPM(Direct Message) : Pls keep a track of time. 20:08:39 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : Sincere appreciation helps make a team a real team. 20:09:53 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : Helping people get their leadership permit!! 20:11:53 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : when you make a mistake --DO YOU STOP? 20:12:03 From Michael : Experience culture shock. 🤩 20:12:20 From Molly : i'm tone deaf! I can't tell 20:13:05 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : When you make a mistake--do not stop. Its what happens afterwards...do you stop or keep going. 20:13:14 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : Learning from mistakes! 20:13:20 From Felecia Ricketts : Depends on your level of fear. 20:13:29 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : Use them as a springboard for learning. 20:13:44 From David Bakhtnia : Thank you Mathias! This is a great lesson for Agile minded leaders; Psychological Safety. 20:14:21 From SVA – Matthias Orgler @ Frankfurt, Germany : “It’s not the note you play that’s the wrong note – it’s the note you play afterwards that makes it right or wrong.” – Miles Davis 20:23:08 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : Trying NOT to make a mistake holds you back. 20:23:42 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : Make it OK to make mistakes on your teams. 20:27:50 From David Bakhtnia : Being careful creates slower pace and careful learning! Being Agile and following the flow makes innovative outcomes! 20:28:50 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : Its not failure...its a PROTOTYPE! 20:29:24 From Apala Chandola(ASVPM) : Attitude matters! 20:30:40 From Dianne McGaunn : communication 20:30:43 From Michael : communication 20:30:44 From Molly : communications 20:30:52 From Sharon Wright : communication 20:30:55 From Sharon Wright : lack of focus 20:30:56 From Bharti : common understanding of common goal 20:30:59 From David Bakhtnia : Human doing vs Human being! 20:33:04 From Soumya Rajan : “Be unresponsive” 20:33:11 From Esperanza Barrera : Document everything! 20:33:23 From Sara Tripiana ASVPM : No clarity on what needs to be done 20:33:23 From Earl Fong (San Francisco) : Don't pay attention to anyone else 20:33:27 From Marsha T : unfocused 20:34:01 From Soumya Rajan : “do not share knowledge” 20:34:08 From Earl Fong (San Francisco) : Don't respond to requests for help or info 20:35:30 From Bharti : Pay attention 20:35:37 From Bharti : contribute 20:35:44 From Bharti : respect others idea 20:36:07 From Sara Tripiana ASVPM : Support your colleagues 20:36:09 From Earl Fong (San Francisco) : Assume good intentions 20:36:22 From Isha Thakkar : Being adaptable 20:36:34 From Shreeya Chavan : Build a bond of trust 20:36:37 From Esperanza Barrera : Feedback 20:36:45 From Earl Fong (San Francisco) : Have some fun together 20:36:53 From Isha Thakkar : Communicate and keep everyone in loop 20:37:06 From Earl Fong (San Francisco) : Be highly responsive 20:41:19 From Molly : weird 20:41:21 From Michael : Game of which extravert would break fist. 20:41:26 From Soumya Rajan : Funny 20:41:31 From David Bakhtnia : I felt trust, and warmth. 20:41:32 From Patrick Taiwo : Blinking eyes 20:41:32 From Bharti : It was weird 20:41:32 From Dianne McGaunn : a bit awkward 20:41:35 From SVA Kimberly Wiefling @Edgewater, Florida : I felt I could be very connected emotionally with the other person. 20:41:36 From Christina Unrein : simple 20:41:36 From Sara Tripiana ASVPM : it made me calm 20:41:39 From David Bakhtnia : belonging 20:41:40 From Isha Thakkar : Trying to read the other person 20:41:41 From Marsha T : It was great. I was just looking at myself 20:41:44 From Earl Fong (San Francisco) : Relaxed, meditative 20:41:52 From Altyn Gylyjova : boring 20:41:53 From Felecia Ricketts : Calming 20:41:55 From Esperanza Barrera : Comfort, long, then relaxed 20:41:59 From Donald Stringari : Connected and compassionate. 20:42:05 From Felecia Ricketts : Relaxing 20:42:14 From Felecia Ricketts : Interesting 20:42:15 From Sharon Wright : With zoom in order for it to look as though you’re looking directly at the other person, you stare into the camera 20:42:26 From Sharon Wright : so not really looking into the other person’s eyes 20:43:07 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : Take time to CONNECT before starting on the business in meetings. 20:43:15 From Apala Chandola(ASVPM) : Friendly 20:43:33 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : Take time to build trust first. 20:45:10 From Apala Chandola(ASVPM) : That’s empowering! 20:51:12 From Sara Tripiana ASVPM to Isha Thakkar(Direct Message) : this one is more engaging than usual! this is amazing indeed 20:51:13 From Christina Unrein : I met a new wonderful person :) 20:51:21 From Chimdindu : Lots to talk about. 20:51:23 From Molly : more personal 20:51:26 From David Bakhtnia : Building trust and belonging. 20:51:27 From Patrick Taiwo : It was fun, we happened to have worked for the same company for years. 20:51:27 From Marsha T : We had quite a lot in common 20:51:27 From Bharti : It was inspiring, empowering, fun 20:51:30 From Dianne McGaunn : connection on a human level - want to learn more 20:51:39 From Isha Thakkar to Sara Tripiana ASVPM(Direct Message) : Lovely meeting Sara, lots to know 20:51:40 From Michael : I met a happy person. its was amazing to share this way 20:51:44 From Sharon Wright : learned about another person in the group 20:51:52 From Felecia Ricketts : It was nice to hear about someone else 20:51:57 From Earl Fong (San Francisco) : Thank you Christina - so fun to hear someone's life in 60 seconds 20:51:58 From Shreeya Chavan : It was interesting to know the great leaders, also I happen to be in the same room with my Professor at Northeastern 20:52:01 From Soumya Rajan : I met someone I knew, but had forgotten. We learnt so much about each other 20:52:05 From Isha Thakkar : Lovely meeting Sara, lots to know 20:53:02 From Donald Stringari : Learned we had a lot in common about growing up and as same journey as a profession. 20:54:26 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : We all have so much in common. 20:54:32 From David Bakhtnia : positivity bias & HOPE 20:55:12 From Apala Chandola(ASVPM) : Building trust, Psychological safety! 20:55:33 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : How can you apply this into your life, your work? 20:55:43 From Michael : Need to hop onto a meetup in Australia. Fabulous meetup thanks for sharing Kimberly and for the awesome people I met and worked with. 20:56:03 From Sara Tripiana ASVPM to Isha Thakkar(Direct Message) : thank you Michael for joining! 20:56:10 From David Bakhtnia to Sara Tripiana ASVPM(Direct Message) : We are closer to the end! 20:56:34 From Sara Tripiana ASVPM to Isha Thakkar(Direct Message) : apologies for messaging you instead 20:56:38 From Apala Chandola(ASVPM) : Thank you for joining @Michael! 20:56:42 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : say it--10% chance of doing it. Write it down_40% chance. Telling it to someone-90% chance that you will do it! 20:56:55 From Earl Fong (San Francisco) : Take initiative to do 1-1 meetings with colleagues with no particular agenda 20:57:20 From Esperanza Barrera : Engage on personal level, and encourage mistakes 20:57:38 From Shreeya Chavan : Connect with people at a humane level 20:59:15 From Marsha T : Personal conversation with each person 20:59:57 From David Bakhtnia : We will post today’s material (overhead and video) on our site with a link on the Meetup page: https://svprojectmanagement.com/asvpm-meetups-and-community-events 21:00:29 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : Having fun improves creativity by 300%!!! 21:01:05 From Chimdindu : Thanks. Will love to rewatch this again 21:01:16 From Molly : Thank you so much! 21:01:21 From Altyn Gylyjova : Thank you very much! 21:01:29 From Patrick Taiwo : Great session, thanks all. 21:01:29 From SVA-Yvonne Burton : Thanks Everyone!! 21:01:30 From Marsha T : 👍🏽 21:01:31 From Felecia Ricketts : 👏👏👏👏🙂 21:01:37 From Dianne McGaunn : Thanks a ton all!! 21:01:40 From Soumya Rajan : 👏🥳 21:01:41 From Dianne McGaunn : So much fun!! 21:01:45 From Isha Thakkar : Thank you for the wonderful event! Happy to meet all! 21:01:51 From Bharti : Thank you all. It was great fun 21:02:27 From Apala Chandola(ASVPM) : Pls follow our page on LinkedIn. 21:02:28 From Sara Tripiana ASVPM : You can register here for more meetups --> https://www.meetup.com/agile-and-scaled-value-project-management-asvpm/ thank you so much for this wonderful session! 21:03:14 From Apala Chandola(ASVPM) : Thank you everyone for joining this event.